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Felty Bee Features - Katie Carlin Reflexology


This week we are continuing with our meet the maker segments with Katie from Katie Carlin Reflexology.

Describe your business in less than 10 words…

A total wellbeing and relaxation experience for adults and children

How did you start?

My interest in reflexology started when I was a teenager and my Godmother qualified as a reflexologist. She lived next door and used to give me and my friends treatments anytime we felt stressed by school or had any ailments! When I had my daughters, I would massage their feet to help when they couldn’t sleep. My youngest suffers with hypersensitivity and it really helped her to calm down and relax.

My working circumstances changed unexpectedly so I decided to grab the opportunity and train as a reflexologist. The training took a year. I had to do 100 case studies, fortnightly classes, 8 essays, an anatomy and physiology exam on every system in the human body and then a practical exam. It was a really tough course especially juggling work and 2 kids but it was very fulfilling and I haven’t looked back.

What are your inspirations?

I find inspiration in people, nature and literature. My future sister-in-law took me on my first Yoga retreat which taught me that it is not selfish to take time for yourself and refill your wellbeing. As a frazzled mum of two young girls this was a lightbulb moment for me! I studied English Literature at university, so I love reading and always have an audio book and paperback on the go at the same time. Books often give me ideas for my business and ways I can help my clients. I have a friend who suffers from debilitating health problems, but he is always helping others. Every week he cooks for hundreds of homeless people and goes and feeds those less fortunate than him. He is always trying new things and going on adventures despite struggling to walk and being in a lot of pain. He is a real inspiration to me and I now volunteer with the Rosemary Foundation for Palliative care in Petersfield to give reflexology their patients and carers. My children inspire me every day when I see their joy and enthusiasm for learning new things. Every week they drive my thirst for new knowledge and help me remember it’s never too late to learn something new.

I am also hugely inspired by the amazing reflexology community that I am part of. It is such a supportive group to be part of and I am always learning from their experiences. There is always another course to do and I am currently taking a specialist maternity reflexology course. Most importantly, every week, I am inspired by my wonderful clients, some who have suffered terrible traumas but still get up and carry on through life with a smile and determination that blows me away.

What’s your favourite make and why?

In terms of reflexology I love my Flying Wild and Songbird reflexology wax. They smell beautiful and help my hands to glide over my clients’ feet during a treatment.

In general life I like anything local and independently made. I think it is important to support small local businesses or businesses that help others. I use Nursem hand cream as they donate hand cream to NHS staff every time you buy a product from them. On a local basis you know I love Felt Things! You have provided me with many gifts for children’s presents and made a really beautiful chick in memory of our little chick, Agnus, that we sadly lost. I love Mawgans candles that are all handmade and keep my treatment room smelling amazing. I also have some beautiful ceramic pots from the lovely Jitka at Jitka Church Pottery. She runs amazing pottery classes and parties that I can thoroughly recommend, especially her Pottery and Prosecco evenings!

Who would be your dream 3 people to meet for tea and cake?

Sir David Attenborough would be amazing to talk to. To hear about all of his experiences and his thoughts on how we can help the planet would be inspiring. Just to be able to say you have heard his voice in person would be wonderful! Maggie Smith just because in all her films she is so dry and witty! Obviously I don’t know if she would be in real life, but she has a twinkle in her eye and I think tea and cake with her would be fun. Michael McIntyre to lighten the conversation! He’s not everyone’s cup of tea but when you have young kids he just hits the nail on the head about what it’s like to be a parent.

Which new craft or hobby would you love to try?

Can Reflexology count as a craft? If so, then the next course I have my eye on is a specialist menopause reflexology course. As 50% of the population go through this at some point in their life I think it would be really beneficial to my lovely clients. In terms of a hobby I would love to go on a watercolour painting retreat either in Italy or maybe Cornwall and learn to paint seascapes or beautiful Italian landscapes.

What two things, aside from food and

water would you want on a deserted island?

If I’m not allowed my children and husband, then I would say a scuba diving set (with unlimited air in the tank!) I’m a scuba diving assistant instructor and my happy place is underwater without mobile phones, cars and noise. As soon as I’m diving I feel totally peaceful. I’m thinking there aren’t going to be many people to give reflexology to on this island so I’ll have to have a pen and paper to follow my other love which is writing. Maybe I could write a new reflexology course while I’m on the island!

Where can we find you?

I have a lovely cosy reflexology treatment room in Liphook and you can find information about me and the treatments I offer on my website You can also follow me on Instagram @katiecarlinreflexologyliphook to see what I’m getting up to, wellbeing tips and any special offers.

Watch this space for more interviews with local crafters and businesses, it’s the perfect way to find out about what amazing things are on your doorstep. If you fancy having a go at crafting check out our COURSES tab to book your place on one of our workshops.

Goodbye for now and we will be back next week x

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